Jump to:
1900s, 1800s,
1700s, 1600s,
1500s, 1000 |
4 BC,
1000 BC |
5,000 BP (before present),
10,000 BP,
100,000 BP |
1,000,000 BP,
10,000,000 BP |
Billion years BP |
Long-term Global
Warming (click for larger view) from Europe
Between the Oceans, 9000 BC -- AD 1000 by Barry Cunliffe, Yale U
Press, New Haven, 2008
world pop:
2100 - 11.2 bil (UN projection)
2050 - 9.8 bil (est)
2023 - 8 bil
2011 - 7 bil
2000 - 6 bil +
For first time in history, in 2008, urban dwellers will
outnumber rural -- 3.3 billion people -- 5 billion expected by 2030 (UN
projections, 2007).
Largest urban centers:
Tokyo - 28 million
Mumbai - 20
Mexico City - 20
Sao Paulo - 18
New Delhi - 17
New York - 17
Calcutta - 16
Shanghai - 15
Karachi - 13
Los Angeles - 13
Cairo - 13
Manila - 12
Paris - 10
London - 8
Chicago - 7
(Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb 2010, p. 38 and
There are 386 cities with a population over one million;
by 2015, there will be 550.
But large swath of northern territory — Canada, Europe,
former USSR, China, and Australia — now has fertility below 2.0
children per couple (Science, 312:1894, 2006).
Strong evidence accumulating against the presence on
Earth of ghosts, flying saucers, Loch Ness Monster, and Bigfoot. (graphic; source)
William Ruddiman proposes that the declines in human
population associated with the Black Death, beginning in Italy in 1347
and in China about ten years before, and the New World pandemics,
beginning in Mexico in 1519, amounting to 125 million deaths between
1200 and 1750, 25% of the total population in 1500, resulted in the
abandonment of much agriculture, the reforestation of much land, a
decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide by 10 ppm, and the consequent
formation of the so-called Little Ice Age, 1350 - 1850. (Harper's
Magazine, 11/2009)
Planetary scientists have found water on the moon. The
amount is tiny, an imperceptible film on soil grains, perhaps several
molecules thick, about a quart per ton of soil. Last year's Phoenix
mission to Mars' polar region found ice just beneath the lander's
struts. Ice has been found on Saturn's moon Titan and it covers
Jupiter's moon Europa. Our solar system appears more water-rich than it
has before. (Los Angeles Times 9-24-09)
A NASA satellite has revealed that polar ice in
Antarctica and Greenland is melting far faster than scientists had
previously thought. In Antarctica, three glaciers thinned by nearly 30
feet a year from 2003 to 2007. In Greenland, 111 glaciers are now
thinning at an average rate of nearly 3 feet a year. (San Francisco
Chronicle, 9-24-09)
NOAA reports 2006 hottest year on record for the United
States—55°F, 1.2°C above average for 20th century.
The population of the United States (one birth every 8
seconds) is projected to hit 300 million in October, 2006 (we hit 100
million in 1915 and 200 million in 1967);
The average American home now has more TV sets (2.73)
than people (2.55). A set is on an average of 8 hr. 14 min. per day.
The average person watches 4 hr. 35 min. per day. (Nielsen Media
Research, 2006)
DNA code of Black Cottonwood sequenced, first tree,
45,000 genes, about twice than in human, 2006. (Rice and a mustard, Arabidopsis,
have also been sequenced.)
Since the start of the American Revolution in 1775,
about a million Americans have died in wars. Since Henry Ford
introduced his mass-produced auto in 1913, over 2.5 million Americans
have died on the road. (AskMarilyn in Parade, 3/5/06)
Comparisons of gene maps show that human and chimpanzee
DNA are 99% identical. For instance, we both have the ABO blood-type
polymorphism. The average protein differs by only two amino acids and
29% of our proteins are identical. Comparisons of one human to another
show that we are 99.9% identical (Science, 309:1468, 2005);
Humans now consume the equivalent of 13 trillion watts
of power, 85% from fossil fuels. The USA is opening natural gas plants
at the rate of about one every 3.5 days (China just as fast). Carbon
dioxide levels are now at their highest point in 125,000 years, and we
aren't actually running out of fossil fuels. There is an estimated 50
years' supply of oil, 200 years' supply of natural gas, and 2000 years'
supply of coal available world-wide (Science, 309:548, 2005).
Humans have reached the point where they now change the
Earth's surface, its waters, and its atmosphere, at a greater rate than
all natural processes combined. For instance, geologist Bruce Wilkinson
calculates that natural erosion lowers the land surface an average of
24 meters per million years, but human agriculture and construction
averages 15 times that much (Science 307:1558, 2005).
"Although replacing gas-powered U.S. automobiles with
hydrogen-powered ones might slow global warming,
generating the necessary hydrogen would require building either a
million new wind turbines . . . or a thousand additional nuclear-power
plants." (Atlantic Monthly, Jan/Feb, 2005, p54) Right now, solar
and wind energy contribute about 0.1% each of total US energy
The average American produces 12,000 lbs of carbon
dioxide every year (The New Yorker, May 9, 2005, p54).
Hurricane Katrina floods New Orleans; meteorologists
report 80% increase in most powerful hurricanes, typhoons, &
cyclones (categories 4 & 5) over last 35 years. These storms draw
their energy from warm ocean water. (Science, 309:1807, 2005)
Not only is the universe expanding but it is expanding
at a faster and faster rate. Is there an "anti-gravity" force that is
causing this phenomenon? (Science, 309:75-102, 2005)
More than 175 alien species have settled in San
Francisco Bay.
More than 100 drugs combating obesity are in
Woodpecker, largest woodpecker in North America, once known as the Lord
God Bird, thought to be extinct since 1940s, found in Arkansas,
Mars rover missions showing that this cold, dry planet
was once warm, wet, and salty: "a candidate environment for early
life." (Science, 306:2001, 2004)
Human genome analyzed, all bases in proper order, less
than 1 error in 100,000, est 25,000 genes, see Science,
300:409, 2003; With so few genes (and hundreds of thousands of
proteins), it is clear that one gene can direct the manufacture of more
than one protein. Alternative splicing of exons is one mechanism at
World Trade Center attacked by terrorists, 2001; total
killed by terrorists that year, 2,978 (total killed by heart
disease, 700,142; by accidents, 101,537; by suicide, 30,622; by
homicide (excluding terrorist attacks), 17,330) (Harper's Magazine,
pg 79, March, 2004).
Mike Brown (Caltech), Chad Trujillo (Gemini
Observatory), and David Rabinowitz (Yale University) discover new, 10th
planet, 2003UB313, currently called "Eris,"
It has one moon and is 2,400 kilometers in diameter, about 5% bigger
than Pluto (2,302 kilometers, discovered in 1930). Both, along with
Makemake (~1,200 km) and Haumea (shaped like an elongated egg and about
as wide as Pluto in its longest dimention, and with 2 moons) have been
demoted to "plutoids" a subcategory of dwarf planet. In the Kuiper belt
beyond Neptune, there are an estimated 70,000 objects with diameters
greater than 100 kilometers.
Jonathan Abrams and Friendster, the first modern social
networking Internet site, 3/2003;
8/2003; Facebook, 2004; Twitter, 2006)
Jimmy Wales & others launch Wikipedia, 2001.
Wetlands are disappearing at a rate of 23,000 hectares a
year (USFWS, USGS).
mule cloned; sheep, cows, pigs, cats, and rodents cloned;
draft of human genome, est 40,000 genes, 2000;
Despite technological advances throughout the world, a
few hunter-gatherer peoples remain, such as the Arctic Inuit and other
Native American tribes;
Proportion of world population in Europe and former
colonies of North America has fallen from 33% in 1913, to 17% in 2003,
and is expected to drop to 12% by 2050 (UN "medium" projection, Foreign
Affairs, Jan/Feb 2010, p. 33)
The late-April weather in the Netherlands has warmed
about 4ºC during the past 20 years, so caterpillars are emerging
earlier. Pied flycatchers migrate north from Africa in the spring, cued
mostly by daylength, so they are arriving as usual to find their
caterpillars gone. No food and the flycatcher population is down 90%
(Science News, 169:276, 2006).
About 1/3 of a 38,000-year-old Neandertal fossil genome
has been sequenced in Germany. Results indicate that humans and
Neandertals diverged about 516,000 years ago (another analysis puts the
date at 370,000 YBP).
Species extinction: researchers estimate that 71% of
butterflies in the U.K. have lost ground, 28% of native plant species
have declined; 30% of the 5700 known species of amphibians worldwide
are vulnerable to extinction (Science, 306:2016, 2004; for current world-wide estimates of numbers of animal species see WAF in references below);
of 4795 known species of land mammals world-wide, 25%
are at risk of extinction (Science, 309:546, 2005); for current world-wide estimates of numbers of animal species see WAF in references below);
The total number of great apes in world is fewer than
the population of Brighton, England or Abilene, Texas; est. 100,000
gorillas, 100,000 chimpanzees, 10,000 bonobos, and 30,000 orangutans
survive in the wild (Science, 309:1457, 2005); for current world-wide estimates of numbers of animal species see WAF in references below);
Average global temperature was 57.96ºF in 2005, hottest
on record, up from 56.60ºF in 1880.
the last Pyrenean ibex, a subspecies that went extinct in 2000, cloned
from skin scrapings. Clone born July 30, 2003, lived a few minutes and
died with a malformed lung. First momentarily successful de-extinction
Dolly euthanized, 2003;
The waters of North Sea warmed 1°C between 1977 &
World-wide sea-level rising an average of 2 millimeters
per year (Science 311:1698, 2006).
A new monkey species (Lophocebus kipunji), the
highland mangabey, discovered (Science, 308:1103, 2005), or new
genus, Rungwecebus, Africa's first new primate genus in 83
years (Science, 312:1378, 2006);
chimpanzees filmed making and using more than one kind
of tool to collect termites for food (American Naturalist,
Africa is the continent with the fastest growing
population -- increasing food production at the same great rate is
Despite technological advances throughout the world, a
few hunter-gatherer peoples remain, such as the San and other African
Worldwide, efforts to clone mammals mostly fail. Major
steps are insertion of DNA into host egg cell, stimulating cell
division, inserting blastula into host mother and have pregnancy
"take," and finally have pregnancy go to term and live birth. Here are
some species and their overall success rates:
- mouse-1%
- cat-0.5%
- sheep-2%
- cow-1%
- human-4% to cell division stage and not attempted
beyond that
(Wired, p48, 4/2006)
First dog, Snuppy, cloned in Korea, 2005, possible fraud
being investigated, 2006;
Mouse cloned in Japan by combining haploid genome from
each of two egg cells (no sperm) (Science, 304:501, 2004)
Charlie Mungulda, native Australian, only known person
who still speaks Amurdag, 2007. There are an estimated 7,000 languages
spoken around the world — one dies out about every two weeks.
Tool use in a dolphin -- Bottlenose Dolphins off Western
Australia are breaking off sponges, wearing them on their noses, and
using them to probe the seafloor for fish. The skill seems to have been
culturally transmitted within one genetically related family (Science
308:1545, 2005)
Average decrease in Antarctic ice mass is 36 cubic miles
per year — for comparison, Los Angeles uses about 1/5 cubic mile of
water per year. Arctic ice cap is smallest ever measured. (The New
Yorker, 3/20/06, p67).
Of 244 glaciers on Antarctic Peninsula, 87% are
shrinking (Science, 308:541, 2005)
Larson B ice shelf, about size of Rhode Island, broke
off Antarctica, 2002;
Glaciers are shrinking world-wide.
Glaciers in the European Alps are losing more than 1.5
billion tons of ice each year or 155 cubic kilometers since 1850. This
loss of weight has allowed the Alps to rise or gain altitude averaging
0.15 mm per year. Mont Blanc is the tallest peak in the Alps; it is
rising about 0.9 mm per year.
Despite technological advances throughout the world, a
few hunter-gatherer peoples remain, such as the Australian Aborigines;
top of page |
Scientific understanding of the world expanded more
during this century than during all of earlier history.
world pop:
1998 - 6 bil
1987 - 5 bil
1974 - 4 bil
1959 - 3 bil
1927 - 2 bil
1900 - 1,650 million
1 in 2 lived in cities (1990)
Google launched, 1998.
Yahoo! and Amazon incorporated, Internet Explorer
launched, AltaVista largest search engine, 1995.
World Wide Web Consortium established, 1994.
Kary Mullis and polymerase chain reaction, 1983, Nobel
WorldWideWeb, 1992.
John Carmack & id Software produce first
first-person-shooter video game, Catacomb
3-D, 1991.
Human Genome Project, 1990.
Goddard Space Flight Center and hundreds of scientists
launch the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite and find the
variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation that would have
been necessary for stars and galaxies initially to coalesce, 1989.
Discovery announced, 1992.
"It's the discovery of the century, if not of all time." --Stephen
"Ten or twenty billion years ago, something happened -- the Big Bang,
the event that began our universe. Why it happened is the greatest
mystery we know. That it happened is reasonably clear." --Carl Sagan
Exxon Valdez 40 million liter oil spill in
Alaska, 1989;
Apple Macintosh, 1984;
Internet, 1983;
Rich Skrenta develops first "boot sector" computer
virus, Elk Cloner, 1982;
first IBM PC, 1981;
Three Mile Island nuclear accident, 1979;
Gary Thuerk sends first spam e-mail over Arpanet
promoting new DEC computer system, 1978;
first consumer micro-computer, Apple II and TRS80, 1977;
Viking landers touch down on Mars, 1976; no sign of
life. (But later study suggested that the same protocol showed no sign
of life in various arid Earth soils either - Science News
170:333, 2006.)
first microcomputer, Altair 8800, Intel 8080, 1975;
Ralph Baer and Magnavox and the first home TV video game
console -- Odyssey -- 1972;
first Earth Day, 1970;
Apollo 11, man on the moon, 1969.
Arpanet, forerunner of Internet, 1969;
Arno Penzias & Robert Wilson of Bell Labs detect
cosmic microwave background radiation, a remnant of the Big Bang, 1965;
Union, SC 1965; Harold Sears joins faculty, 1974, retires, 2004.
Carl Sagan and SETI, 1934-1996;
Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring, 1962;
First mini-computer, Digital PDP-1, 1960;
Hawaii, 50th
state, 1959;
49th state, 1959;
Fred Hoyle & W.A. Fowler show that the heavier
elements could have formed, as the Universe first took shape, at the
high temperatures within supernovae, 1957;
Charles D. Keeling began making atmospheric measurements
of carbon dioxide content in 1955 and on Mauna Loa in Hawaii in 1958.
Carbon dioxide concentrations were about 315 parts per million at the
- preindustrial - 280ppm
- 1958 - 315ppm
- 2005 - 380ppm
- 2050 est - 500ppm
This increase in carbon dioxide concentration is
predicted to result in a 5°C increase in average global temperature. In
the entire history of the human species it has never been more than 2 -
3 degrees warmer than it is now. (New Yorker, pg 64, 5/2/05)
As a NOAA scientist said: "It's true that we've had
higher carbon dioxide levels before. But then, of course, we also had
Linus Pauling (1901-1994) and covalent chemical
bond; Nobel Prize, 1954;
successful kidney transplant, 1954;
Ray Kroc opens first McDonald's, 1954;
Jonas Salk and polio
vaccine, 1953;
Scrabble produced by Selchow & Righter, 1953;
Texas Instruments and transistor radio, 1953;
first Swanson TV dinner, 1953;
Stanley Miller and Harold Urey simulate the atmosphere
of early Earth, provide energy in form of electric spark, and form
organic molecules from inorganic, a first step in the abiotic origin of
life, 1952;
Barbara McClintock and mobile genes, 1951, Nobel Prize,
first general purpose computer, Whirlwind, 1948;
Ralph Alpher & George Gamow mathematically model the
fusion of hydrogen and the formation of helium during the first moments
of the Big Bang, 1948. They first explained the current composition of
the universe: 99.99% H and He in a ratio of 9:1.
William Shockley, Walter Brattain, and John Bardeen
invent transistor, 1947;
Chuck Yeager breaks sound barrier, 1947;
ENIAC, electronic numerical integrator and computer,
Percy Spencer stands next to a magnetron, and a candy
bar in his pocket melts. A year later, he presents his 750-lb microwave
oven, 1946;
nuclear technology and atom bomb, 1939-1945;
R. Daly proposes theory that a huge collision with the
Earth formed the Moon, 1940s;
Term "teenager" first used, 1941;
NBC first television network to broadcast on a regular
basis, 1939;
Edwin Howard Armstrong and first regular FM radio
broadcast, station W2XMN, Alpine, NJ, 1939;
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, 1939;
Wallace Crothers invents nylon, 1934;
Edwin Howard Armstrong and first FM radio transmission,
from the top of the Empire State Building to Long Island and then to
New Jersey, 1934;
First Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers musical — Flying
Down To Rio, from RKO, 1933;
Robert Frost, Collected Poems, 1930;
imported from Japan, 1930s;
Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto, ninth planet, 1930;
William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury, 1929;
first movie to feature both song and talk — The
Jazz Singer, from Warner Bros., 1927;
Philo T. Farnsworth first transmits a television image
(a horizontal line), September 7, 1927. (RCA broadcast to 2,000
receivers at the 1939 New York World's Fair, but TV didn't become
popular until after WWII.)
Albert Sabin (1906-1993) and the oral polio vaccine;
Robert Goddard and liquid-fuel rocket, 1926;
Earnest Hemmingway, The Sun Also Rises, 1926;
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 1925;
Clarence Birdseye and frozen food, 1924;
T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land, 1922;
Philip Smith (1884-1970) and the "master" pituitary
First crossword puzzle, in New York World, 1913;
Mary Phelps Jacob and a practical brassiér (two silk
handkerchiefs joined by pink ribbons) — it freed women from the
whalebone corset, 1913;
First Ford Model T, 1908;
Reginald Fessenden and the first transatlantic radio
transmission, between Massachusetts and Scotland, 1906;
First Nickelodeon opens in Pittsburgh, 1905;
Mary Anderson and windshield wipers, 1905;
Leo Hendrik Baekeland, a Belgian chemist livin in NY,
and first synthetic plastic, Bakelite, 1905;
Jack London (1876-1916) is best known for his books The
Call of the Wild, 1903, White Fang, and The Sea-Wolf,
and a few short stories, such as "To Build a Fire" and "The White
H. Nelson Jackson made the first transatlantic
automobile road trip, from San Francisco to New York City in 63 days,
Orville and Wilbur Wright, first manned airplane flight,
Jack London, The Call of the Wild, 1903;
Kellogg brothers invent corn flakes, 1902;
Willis Carrier and air conditioning, 1902;
Reginald Fessenden and the first voice over radio --
between two 50-foot-high wooden masts a mile apart, 1900;
Pre-Columbian America was so dense in bison that, as one
explorer said, the land seemed draped with "one black robe." By 1900,
fewer than 100 individuals remained.
Dolly the sheep, first mammal cloned from adult cell by
Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell, 1997;
Jeanne Calment dies in France at 122 years of age,
longest-living human ever documented, 1997;
Paul Crutzen, Dutch chemist, won the 1995 Nobel Prize
for work on ozone hole and urged again the use of a new epoch, the
Anthropocene. "The world has changed too much" to continue to think of
our times as the Holocene. Nowhere on Earth remains free of human
influence. (The word Anthropocene entered the Oxford English Dictionary
in 2014.
Otzi, the Iceman of the Alps, 5,300 year old frozen
mummy, found 1991;
Berlin Wall comes down, reuniting East and West Germany,
Karl von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz, Nikolaas Tinbergen, and
ethology, Nobel Prize, 1973;
John Gurdon induces an adult frog cell to develop into a
tadpole - first cloning of an adult vertebrate cell;
Melvin Calvin and photosynthesis, Nobel Prize, 1961;
Kingsley Amis, Lucky Jim, 1956;
Hans Krebs and oxidative metabolism, Nobel Prize, 1953;
Crick, James Watson and DNA, 1953, Nobel Prize, 1962;
Each human consists of about ten thousand trillion
cells, each cell containing 46 strands of DNA that together would
extend to about six feet. If all of an indivudual's DNA were laid end
to end, it would extend 20 million kilometers, enough to stretch from
Miami to Los Angeles and back 2,270 times. (Bill Bryson)
Rosalind Franklin performs X-ray crystallography on DNA,
Hans Spemann proposes concept of cloning, 1938;
Szent-Gyorgyi discovers vitamin C, 1932;
James Chadwick discovers neutron, 1932;
Edwin Hubble measures radial velocities of galaxies up
to 100 million light years away, 1931. Hubble's Law: The farther away,
the faster they are receding. However, galaxies are not moving through
space but along with space -- space is expanding.
R.A. Fisher reconciles genetics and natural
selection, 1930;
Fritz Houtermans and Robert d'Escourt calculate that the
pressure and temperature within the Sun were great enough to cause the
fusion of hydrogen into helium and so power the energy release that we
see, 1929. They felt that they were on the right track to explain why
stars shine.
Edwin Hubble argues that universe is expanding, 1929;
Alexander Fleming and penicillin, 1928;
Georges Lemaitre and his primeval atom (now Big Bang)
theory, 1927;
Marcel Proust, A la recherche du temps perdu,
1913 - 1923;
Edwin Hubble recognizes Andromeda galaxy, first outside
our own, Milky Way, 1923; (Hubble Space Telescope launched, 1990)
James Joyce, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,
1916; Ulysses, 1922;
Spanish Flu responsible for half the deaths of American
GIs in WWI, infects half the world population, and kills 50 millions
worldwide, 1918;
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, 1917;
- Space and time are not absolute but
relative to observer. Effects become more pronounced as approach speed
of light. Time is a component of space, a fourth dimension. Mass
distorts space-time. Gravity is the distorting of space-time.
Alfred Wegener (1880 - 1930) and continental drift or
plate tectonics, consisting of seafloor spreading and subduction, 1912;
Europe and America are moving apart at about the speed that a
fingernail grows, about 2 yards in an average human lifetime.
Rutherford discovers atomic nucleus, 1911;
Albert Einstein and Special Theory of Relativity,
Albert Einstein calculates the number of water molecules
in 22.4 liters. Walter Isaacson, his biographer tells us that that many
unpopped popcorn kernals, spread across the United States, would cover
the country nine miles deep.
Ernest Rutherford and half-life and radioactive dating,
J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan, 1904;
Max Planck and quantum science, 1900;
The first person known to be infected with HIV, human
immuno-deficiency virus (the AIDS virus), was a man who lived in the
Congo, 1959. This virus seems to have originated in chimpanzees from
Cameroon (Pan troglodytes troglodytes), who originally
acquired their version, SIV (simian immuno-deficiency virus), from
similar viruses infecting monkeys in west-central Africa. Perhaps
someone in Cameroon was bitten or was cut while butchering one of these
chimps and then passed the virus on to other humans. Ironically, SIV
doesn't much bother the chimps, whereas by the 1980s, HIV became a
deadly human pandemic.
Mary and Louis Leakey unearth first of many human
fossils in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, 1959;
Captain Harry Goosen discovers living coelacanth, Latimeria,
1938. These ancient lobe-finned fish (an ancestor of all
tetrapods) had been thought to have gone extinct before the dinosaurs.
Ramond Dart finds remains of Taung child, Australopithicus
africanus, in South Africa, 1924;
USSR dissolved, Gorbachev resigned, 1991;
nuclear accident, 1986;
Sputnik, first artificial satellite launched, 1957.
Alexander Friedmann and the theory of a dynamic universe
capable of expansion and contraction, 1922;
Alexander Oparin and abiotic origin of life, 1922; The Origin of Life published in
Russian revolution and establishment of USSR, 1917;
Western processed foods lead to widespread obesity and
life expectancy of 55 on Nauru
Ozone Hole discovered over Antarctica, 1985;
top of page |
world pop:
1804 - 1 billion
1 in 50 lived in cities (1800)
George Washington Carver, agricultural research
including crop rotation, 1896;
Sears Roebuck & CO. founded 1893;
Union’s Central School (public), SC,1891;
Jesse Reno and the excalator, 1891;
Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886), Poems, 1890;
The first jukebox played only one song, San Francisco,
John Pemberton creates Coca Cola using a syrup and coca
leaves, 1886;
Clifford Female Seminary, Union, SC, first college, 1884.
Panama Canal begun, 1880;
Thomas Edison founds journal Science, 1880;
Thomas Edison and electric light bulb, 1879;
Thomas Edison and the first phonograph, 1877;
Mark Twain (Samuel Clemmons) (1835 - 1910), Tom
Sawyer, 1876;
Melville Bissell and carpet sweeper, 1876;
Joseph Glidden and barbed wire, 1874;
Henry M. Rose and "barbed wood," a ten-foot strip of
wood with wire points designed to be attached to a wire fence, 1873;
Levi Strauss, blue jeans, 1873;
Margarine created from beef suet and milk, 1869;
Christopher Sholes and qwerty typewriter, 1868;
Civil War, 1861–1865;
SC secedes from Union, 1860;
Edwin Drake (1819-1880) and first oil well, 1859;
Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862), Walden,
Potato chips first cooked by George Crum in NY, 1853;
Elisha Otis and safety lift (elevator), 1852;
NY Times,
Bartlett, Dictionary of Americanisms, 1848;
Calif. gold rush, 1848;
Mormons found Salt Lake City, 1847;
William Morton (1819-1868) and ether anesthesia, 1846;
Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849, Tales of the
Grotesque and Arabesque, 1840, The Raven, 1845;
Baseball invented, 1845;
John James Audubon, Birds of America, 1830 -
Alamo falls to Mexico, 1836;
Richard Hoe invents rotary printing press that could
turn out millions of pages per day, 1833;
Cyrus McCormick and mechanical reaper, which cuts,
threshes, and bundles grain, 1831;
dictionary, with about 70,000 entries, 1828;
James Fenimore Cooper (1789 - 1851), Pioneers,
first of Leatherstocking Tales, 1823;
War with England, 1812 - 1814, America's first declared
Webster's first dictionary, with about 28,000 entries,
first home icebox patented, 1803;
Lewis & Clark head west, 1803;
Pres. Jefferson, Louisiana Purchase, buys from the
French for three cents an acre – $15 million – 1803;
founded as South Carolina College, 1801;
Thomas Jefferson, gentleman scientist (and third
president, 1800);
Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852 - 1934), Spanish
proposes that memories involve making neural connections, 1899;
Felix Hoffman of Bayer discovers Aspirin, 1899;
Johan Vaaler and paperclip in Norway, 1899;
J.J. Thomson discovers electron, 1897;
Svante Arrhenius, Swedish chemist quantifies global
warming due to carbon dioxide emissions. ["We are evaporating our coal
mines into the air."], 1896;
Hanri Becquerel and radioactivity, 1896. He and Marie
& Pierre Curie received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1903. (Marie
of leukemia in 1934 — even now, her lab notebooks are too radioactive
to handle without protection.)
William Thomson, Lord Kelvin (1824 - 1907) formulated
the "Second" Law of Thermodynamics: Any time work is done, some energy
is always lost as heat. Thus "perpetual motion" is impossible. The
"First" Law, recognized later, says that energy cannot be created or
destroyed, but only changed from one form (e.g. electricity) to another
(e.g. spinning motor or light).
Lord Kelvin tried to calculate the age of the solar
system — 24 million years, 1897, a great underestimate. He assumed that
any greater age would leave the Sun depleated of whatever fuel burned
there. He didn't know about nuclear fusion.
William Rontgen and X-rays, 1895;
Svante Arrhenius, of Sweden, warns that the release of
carbon dioxide during the burning of fossil fuels will result in global
warming, 1895;
Oscar Wilde (1856 - 1900), The Importance of Being
Earnest, 1895;
First use of word, "chromosome," 1890;
Plain cheese pizza first invented in Italy, with tomato,
basil, and mozzarello, yielding the colors of the Italian flag (red,
green, and white) and honoring Queen Margherita, 1889.
Eiffel Tower opens, 1889;
Joseph Lister (1827-1912) and antiseptic surgery;
D. Hooker (1817- 1911) and botanical taxonomy;
Karl Benz's automobile and Gottlieb Daimler motorcycle,
Dmitri Mendeleev publishes Periodic Table of the
Chemical Elements, 1869; 63 of the 92 naturally occurring elements
were known;
Francis Galton (1822 - 1911) and eugenics, 1869;
Alfred Nobel patents dynamite, 1866;
Ernst Haeckel publishes evolutionary tree for mammals
and remarkably recognizes close relationship between hippos and whales,
Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) and genetics, 1865;
Lewis Carroll (C.L. Dodgson) (1832 - 1898), Alice's
Adventures in Wonderland, 1865;
Fossil of Archaeopteryx, link between reptile and bird,
in Germany, 1861;
Illustrated Paper published from 1861 to 1913;
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and the germ theory of
disease; pasteurizes milk, 1860;
Charles Darwin (1809-1882) publishes On the Origin
of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of
Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, 1859;
- Grandchildren like grandfathers
- Tendency to small variation
- Great fertility in proportion to
support available
Alfred Russel Wallace, co-discoverer, evolution by
Etienne Lenoir & internal combustion engine, 1858;
Herbert Spencer (1820 - 1903), Principles of
Psychology, vol. I, 1855;
Alfonso Corti, Italy, describes cochlea
of inner ear, 1851;
Little Ice Age, 1580 - 1850;
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights, 1847;
Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, 1847;
Irish potato famine kills one million, 1845-48;
First electric telegraph organized by Samuel Morse and
others, 1844;
Wood-pulp paper, 1844;
Rowland Hill introduces flat-rate postage and adhesive
stamp, 1840;
J.M. Daguerre invents the daguerreotype, first widely
available form of photography, 1839;
First bicycle, 1839;
Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann and cell theory,
First railway train enters London, 1838;
Louis Agassiz argues for existence of Ice Age, 1837;
Queen Victoria assumes throne and becomes Britain's
longest-reigning monarch, 1837;
Charles Dickens, Pickwick Papers, 1836;
Charles Babbage and his mechanical computer, 1834;
Slavery abolished in the British Empire, 1834;
Charles Lyell publishes Principles of Geology,
1831 - 1833. He expounded on Hutton's theory of uniformitarianism (vs.
catastrophism). Not only are the Earth's changes gradual, uniform,
steady, but everything that has happened in the past can be explained
by processes that are still occurring now (like erosion and mountain
building). His view was extreme, for volcanos do erupt, comets strike,
ice ages come and go, and species go extinct. But much of the Earth's
history is long and gradual. Darwin took the book with him on his
Beagle voyage around the world and used Lyell's ideas to help formulate
his theory of natural selection.
Friedrich Wohler synthesizes organic compound, urea,
Rodolphe Töpffer draws first comic strip in Switzerland,
Jean-Baptiste Fourier, French mathematician, recognizes
that Earth's atmosphere retains heat--Greenhouse Effect, 1827;
Louis Braille and raised script for the blind, 1827;
Hans Oersted and electromagnetism, 1820;
first use of term, "biology," 1819;
Mary Shelly, Frankenstein, 1818;
Napoleon defeated at Waterloo, 1815;
Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Pride and Prejudice,
Luddites destroy industrial machinery in northern
England, 1811;
First mechanical, steam-powered printing press,
Friedrich Koenig, 1810;
Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829) publishes Zoological
Philosophy: evolution by means of inheritance of acquired
characteristics, 1809;
John Dalton and atoms and molecules, 1808;
Alessandro Volta and electric battery, 1806;
Napolean Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1804 - 1815;
Lorenzo Avogadro finds that two equal volumes of any
gases, at same temperature and pressure, will contain the same number
of molecules, 1811, later found to be 6.02 x 1023 (This is
about the number of cups of water in the Pacific Ocean.)
Benjamin Thompson, Count von Rumford (1753 - 1814) and
drip coffeemaker, ~ 1800;
Suez Canal opened by Britain, 1869;
Egyptians begin dredging the Suez Canal, 1859;
Hong Kong colonized by Britain, 1842;
Singapore colonized by Britain, 1819;
Europeans in Micronesia
Convict transportation to Australia
ceases, 1868;
Edward Bransfield sights the continent of Antarctica,
Tambora volcano erupts on Indonesian island of Sumbawa,
kills 90,000, and causes global cooling — largest and deadliest
eruption in recorded history, 1815;
top of page |
world pop:
650 million
Benjamin Banneker, "first African-American man of
science," publishes astronomical and mathematical almanacs, 1791-1802;
Thomas Paine and The Rights of Man, 1791;
Columbia chosen capital of SC, 1790;
First fossil dinosaur bone found in Woodbury Creek, NJ,
Union Co, 1785;
John James Audubon, 1785-1851;
Revolutionary battles of Cedar Springs and Musgrove’s
Mill in Union Co., King’s Mt., 1780;
Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence,
1776; thirteen colonies declare independance of Britain;
Revolution against Britain, 1775-83;
342 chests of tea dumped into Boston Harbor; coffee
becomes popular, 1773;
Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac, 1732 - 1757;
Franklin (1706-1790) flies his kite: lightening is electrical, 1752;
Scotch-Irish settlers into Union County, 1751;
Benjamin Franklin opens first public library in America,
Printing press established in Charleston, SC, 1730;
Boston News Letter founded, first American newspaper,
Yale U founded, 1701;
Age of Enlightenment — loosening of religion and faith
and strengthening of secular reason;
perfectly preserved mammoth found frozen in Siberia,
Thomas Malthus (1766-1834), Essay On Population,
1798 — human over-population;
Edward Jenner and smallpox vaccination, 1796;
James Hutton (1726-1797) publishes A Theory of the
Earth with Proofs and Illustrations, 1795. He noticed that soil was
formed by erosion and that erosion carried that soil away. Given that,
the Earth's surface should be flat. Yet there are still hills and
mountains. There must be some uplifting process to counteract the
down-wearing erosion.
first gas light, 1792;
James Boswell, Life of Johnson, 1791;
Metric system, 1790;
James Watt, steam engine, coal as fuel, 1785; Dutch
chemist, Paul Crutzen suggests that this event marks the transition
from the Holocene geological epoch (period since last glaciation) to
the Anthropocene (the current period in which man can alter the planet
on a geological scale);
First manned free flight in hot air balloon, 1783;
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon made first
scientific attempt to measure the age of the Earth, 1770s. He measured
the rate at which heated spheres cooled. He assumed the Earth began as
a molten mass and calculated how long it would have taken to cool to
its present temperature — 75,000 – 168,000 years, a great
under-estimate. What he didn't realize is that radioactive decay
continues to produce heat and keep the plante's interior hot.
John Wesley (1703-1791) and Methodism; his Sermons,
Pilâtre de Rozier and Marquis d'Arlandes took to the air
in a balloon in the first manned flight, France, 11/19/1783.
edited by Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert, published 1751 -
Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743 - 1793), father of
modern chemistry, 1769; Law of Conservation of Mass;
first vol of Encyclopedia Britannica, 1768;
John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, orders a sandwich,
Samuel Johnson publishes his dictionary — 42,773 words
and 1st with illustrative quotations, 1755.
- The King James Bible contains about
8,000 different words; Shakespeare's vocabulary is about 20,000; the
average adult today uses 50,000; and the OED and Webster's 3rd New
International contain about 500,000 (but technical and scientific terms
would add maybe millions more). In contrast, German has about 185,000
and French fewer than 100,000.
first female M.D., Germany, 1754;
Karl Scheele first manufactures phosphorus matches,
Henry Fielding, Tom Jones, 1749;
Leonhard Euler derives the number e = 2.71828. . . ,
natural log base, 1748;
Nitrous oxide used as anesthetic, 1846;
Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) publishes Systema
Naturae: taxonomy, 1735; 10th ed cataloged 7,700 species of plants
& 4,400 animals, 1759 (2.16 million species are cataloged today and for updated numbers see WAF in references below););
Robert Brown and Brownian movement, 1727;
Last witchcraft trial in England, 1717;
Jonathan Swift (1667- 1745), Gulliiver's Travels,
Louis XIV King of France, 1643 - 1715;
Daniel Fahrenheit and mercury thermometer, 1714;
Pendulum clock replaces water clock;
Rise of atheism;
British rule in India, 1765 – 1947;
First Russian prisoners sent to Siberia, 1709;
Western settlers to New Zealand, 1790;
British First Fleet into Australia, first convicts
transported, 1788;
Capt Cook arrives in Australia, 1770;
Capt Cook arrives on Easter Is, Easter Day, 1722, to
find the island utterly treeless and eroded to resemble sand dunes; he
found no wood for fuel and little fresh water but hundreds of stone
some as tall as houses;
top of page |
world pop:
500 million
William & Mary College, VA, 1693;
Salem witchcraft executions, 1692;
La Salle explores Mississippi, 1682;
Charleston, S.C. founded, 1670;
Hudson’s Bay Co., 1670;
Montreal founded, 1642;
Bay Psalm Book, first book printed in America,
first printing press established at Cambridge, 1639;
Roger Williams founds Baptist Church, Providence, R.I.,
Harvard College founded, 1636;
first Thanksgiving celebrated, 1621;
Mayflower lands on Cape Cod and establishes colony at
Plymouth, MA, 1620;
First African slaves arrive in Virginia, 1619;
Henry Hudson explores Hudson River, 1609;
English settlement in Bermuda, 1609;
Founding of Jamestown, VA, 1607;
Sir Isaac Newton publishes Principia Mathematica:
laws of motion, gravity, and scientific method, 1687;
John Ray classifies 18,600 plant species, 1686;
Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, 1678;
Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) and microscopy, 1676;
Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz invent
calculus, 1670;
Dom Pérignon, Benedictine monk, creates Champagne, 1670;
Samuel Pepys' Diary, 1660 - 1669 (pub 1825);
Blood transfusion between a sheep and a human, 1667 (it
didn’t work);
Milton's Paradise Lost, 1667;
Robert Boyle publishes The Sceptical Chymist,
the first work to distinguish between chemistry and alchemy, 1661;
Royal Society chartered in England, 1660;
Pierre de Fermat and Blaise Pascal develop basis for
theory of probability, 1654;
First coffee house opened in England, 1652;
Archbishop James Ussher publishes Annals of the Old
Testament, 1650. He used the Bible
and other historical
documents to calculate the age of the Earth. He concluded it was
created on Saturday, October 22, 4004 BC. Furthermore, based on the
statement from Genesis, "And the evening and the morning were the first
day." he announced that time began at 6 p.m. on that day. Many accepted
this time scale for many years, but Rev. William Bickland noted in the
1800s that the Bible
does not suggest that God made Heaven and Earth on the first day but
only "in the beginning." That beginning may well have lasted "millions
upon millions of years."
Redi (1626-1697), biogenesis, and the scientific
Evangelista Torricelli and atmospheric barometer, 1643;
Rene Descartes and skepticism in analysis, 1637;
John Donne's collected Poems, 1633;
William Harvey and human circulatory system, 1629;
William Oughtred invents slide rule in England, 1621;
Francis Bacon promotes careful study and inductive
reasoning as a basis for scientific study, 1620;
Letter "J" added to English alphabet, 1620;
identifies four moons of Jupiter, 1610. No one before had seen a moon
other than our own.
Harvey (1578-1657) and blood circulation;
King James translation of Bible, 1611;
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) and elliptical orbits, 1609;
Lippershey, Flemish spectacle-maker, patented first telescope, 1608;
Galileo quickly developed improvements and in 1609 presented a 10X
instrument to the Doge of Venice that, in Galileo's words, performed
"to the infinite amazement of all."
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra writes Don Quixote,
some consider first modern novel, 1605; but see 4,000 BP.
Robert Cawdrey and first English dictionary, The
Table Alphabeticall, only 2,521 entries, 1604.
William Gilbert postulates that the Earth is a big
magnet, 1600;
China open to foreign trade, 1685;
extinct, 1680;
Ming dynasty replaced by Manchu or Qing, 1644 (until
1912); Great Wall abandoned.
first English settlement in India, 1624;
British East India Company into India, 1612;
top of page |
world pop:
460 million
Mercator uses name America for first time, 1538;
two million Indians die in SA of typhoid;
Portuguese colonize Brazil, 1530;
Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon of Spain, first European in SC,
Winyaw Bay, 1521;
Europeans arrive in SA, 1519;
Shakespeare's Globe Theater built outside London, 1599.
He wrote 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and other poems. Some 2000
English words were first used by him.
John Harington invents toilet in England but not widely
used for centuries, 1596;
Galileo invents air thermometer, 1592;
Spenser's Faerie Queene, 1590 - 1596;
Zacharias Janssen builds first microscope, 1590;
"First" ballet at the royal court in France, Ballet Comique de la Reine, 1581.
Montaigne's Essays, first modern "personal"
essays, 1580;
Jost Burgi, in Germany, adds minute hand to clock, 1577;
Opera invented in Italy, ~1570;
Bernard Palissy suggests that fossils in the soil
represent extinct forms of life, 1570;
Galileo, 1564-1642;
Shakespeare's, (1564-1616) Romeo and Juliet
and Midsummer Night's Dream, 1596;
Bartholomeo Eustachi, human anatomy, ~1560;
Andreas Vesalius publishes human anatomy text and
displaces Galen as authority, 1543;
Graphite pencil in England, 1564;
First English novel, Beware
the Cat, William Baldwin, 1553.
Book of Common Prayer, 1548 - 1552;
first Caesarian section;
first bottled beer;
first fork;
William Tyndale, beautiful translation of New Testament
from original Greek and Hebrew into English. King Henry VIII's court
(reigned 1509 - 1547) found him guilty of heresy in 1536 and strangled
him. King Henry's marital difficulties led to Protestantism in England
and many translations of the Bible followed. In 1611, the King James
version retained much of Tyndale's language.
Francois Rabelais and Gargantua and Pantagruel,
1534-1554, first great novel in French literature;
Martin Luther and Reformation, demands nailed to
Catholic church door, Wittenberg, 1517, Bible translated into German,
development of Protestantism;
Copernicus (1473-1543) and heliocentric universe;
More's Utopia, 1516;
Pocket watch in Germany, 1500;
vodka |
Spain into Philippines, build Manila; |
world pop:
360 million
Cahokia (Illinois) abandonded, probably due to
deforestation and other environmental pressures.
Population of Americas as high as 100 million, more than
Europe, before Old World diseases strike, 1491;
Machu Picchu occupied in Peru, Incan, 1450-1575;
First known syphillis epidemic in Europe, thought to
have been brought back from New World by Columbus, 1495;
Christopher Columbus, 1451-1506; lands on San Salvador,
Standard =Modern English begins to form, 1480 (and would
develop for ~300 years before being really recognizable);
Caxton prints (at Bruges) the first book printed in
English (Recuyell of the Histories of Troy), 1474;
Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519;
Eyeglasses to correct nearsightedness developed, 1450.
Johannes Gutenberg (1398-1468) and movable type, flatbed
printing press in Germany, 1453. William Caxton ran the first press in
England (1476). This technology led to efforts to standardize spelling
so books could be widely read (at the time, there were over 500
different spellings of "through" and over 60 of "she.")
William Tell;
Beginnings of ballet in Italy;
A wedding at Hvalsey Church in 1408 provides the last
historical account from Greenland. 190 Viking settlements were deserted
as the Little Ice Age began;
Men began to hit small balls with curved sticks about
the links of Scotland and golf was born, 1400.
fall of Constantinople and end of Easern Empire, 1453;
coffee first brewed
Toothbrush with bristles perpendicular to handle in
China, 1498;
Chinese encyclopedia of 22,937 vol (only 3 copies made);
Russians begin to explore Siberia;
The last palm tree is cut on Easter Island, the logs
used to move and erect the 1000 giant stone images carved to honor
various clan ancestry; on such a small island, those who cut this tree
could see that it was the last, but they cut it anyway (Ronald Wright,
"Fools' Paradise," Times Literary Supppl, 5303:16, 11-19-2004); |
world pop:
400 million
Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan; |
Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) and Canterbury Tales,
1390, written in Middle English — has never been out of print.
Robin Hood;
John Wycliffe (d. 1384) organized the first English
translation of the Latin Bible, ~ 1380. In 1415, he was condemned as a
heretic. His bones were exhumed and burned.
Black Death, Pasteurella pestis, kills 75
million, including 1/3 of Europe's population at the time, 1347 - 1350;
Dante’s (1265 - 1321) Divine Comedy, 1307 - 1321;
Marco Polo's Travels, 1300;
Ming come to power in China, 1368 - greatest period of
Great Wall building occurs until 1644. There are 3,000 to 4,000 miles
of walls, some masonry, some tamped earth (but it's not visible from
Space). |
All eleven species of moas, huge ostrich-like birds
without wings, extinct on New Zealand. |
world pop:
380 million
Aztec culture in Mexico;
complex Amazon society, Mato Grosso, Brazil, towns of up
to 5,000, circular plazas, broad straight roads, bridges, moats,
canals, and ponds, agriculture, pottery, and managed forest, 1250 -
1600 AD (Science, 301:1710-1714, 2003);
great drought and Anasazi disappear from American SW;
William of Ockham (1285-1349) argues for simplicity in
all explanation;
Eyeglasses to correct farsightedness developed in Italy, 1280
(nearsightedness not corrected until 1450).
First coal mine in England;
Marco Polo, 1254-1324;
Sonnet poetic form invented in Sicily, 1235, perhaps by
Giacomo da Lentini (ca. 1210--1260).
Button and buttonhole in Germany, 1235;
Earliest sections of what is now the Louvre Museum
built, 1230;
Spectacles in Italy;
Idea of zero first appears in Europe;
Magna Charta, 1215;
rise of Islam in India;
Genghis Khan;
Humans (Maori) to New Zealand.
Human population on Easter Island reaches 10,000 (on 66
square miles); eventually more than 1000 stone images or moai
would be carved, the tallest 65 ft and 200 tons;
world pop:
310 million
severe drought in western USA from 900 to 1300 (Science,
306:1015, 2004) |
Richard I (The Lion-hearted) reigned, 1189 - 1199;
Notre Dame, Paris;
Oxford U founded, 1166;
King Henry II, first of the Plantagenets and Queen
Eleanor of Aquitaine crowned, 1154. English acquires new words from
French, including language of romance, ushering in Age of Chivalry —
legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table grows.
Kentish Homilies published, earliest example of
a Middle English text, 1150;
Nibelungenlied, great epic poem treating early
Germanic history, 1150;
playing cards |
Humans to Easter Island, most remote habitable land in
world, 1,300 miles away from nearest neighbor (Science
311:1603, 2006); |
top of page |
world pop:
280 million
Mesa Verde cliff dwellings, Anasazi.
Height of Mayan civilization in the Yucatan.
Erik the Red's son, Lief Eriksson, colonizes
Newfoundland, L'Anse aux Meadow, Viking settlement of about 100
The First Crusade, 1096 - 1099;
Domesday Book, important English census, 1086;
William the Conqueror and Normans (French of Norse
ancestory) invade Britain and defeat King Harold and most of his earls
at Battle of Hastings, 1066. Much French is incorporated into English
and Latin components strengthened.
Pope excommunicates Patriarch of Constantinople and so
splits Church into Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox divisions, 1054.
A supernova creates the Crab Nebula, 1054.
Harp arrives in Europe.
Consecration of Westminster Abbey.
Medieval Warm Period from 900 to 1300.
Brian Boru unites Ireland, 1002.
Beowulf written, 1000;
Omar Khayyam (1048-1131), Persian poet and astronomer;
Two-pronged fork in use in Byzantium.
Avicenna (b. 980) writes over 100 books of medicine and
philosophy, including Canon of Medicine, which remained
popular throughout western world into the 17th century.
Timbuktu grows from desert camp to permanent settlement
and trade center on southern edge of Sahara (today, town of 15,000 in
Gunpowder devised by alchemists of Tang dynasty, 1000;
First water-driven mechanical clock;
Toltecs move into the Yucatan Peninsula (formerly
Mayan) and found their empire, 987.
Vikings colonize Greenland, Eric the Red;
Cahokia culture (Illinois) builds 4-sided, flat-topped
pyramids — largest in Americas and larger footprint than any in Egypt.
Erik the Red colonizes Greenland, 985, during Medieval
Warm Period (890 - 1170);
beer (with hops);
a London bridge;
St. Marks Cathedral, Venice;
organ with 400 pipes at Winchester Monastery;
beginnings of Arabian A Thousand and One Nights;
Al-Azhar, world's oldest university, founded in Cairo.
flowering of rationalism among Arab Muslims, science,
math, medicine;
Chinese encyclopedia of 1000 vol;
Cyrillic alphabet formed from Greek;
Ninety per cent of Hawaii's native bird species extinct. |
A variety of corn appropriate to American midwest
introduced into Illinois and establishment of Cahokia on Mississippi R.
Two or three hundred years later, this settlement would have 25,000
residents and be the most active population center north of the Rio
The Incan Empire, centered in Peru, was the largest in
the Americas. It lacked a written language but used khipu, knotted
strings, for record-keeping.
Oldest large-scale brewery in Peru: multi-room, supports
for 20, 50-liter vessels, production of chicha from fruits and grain
and spiced with pepper seeds (Science, 305:774, 2004).
urban centers of 60,000 people;
Alfred the Great (871 - 901) rallies the English, beats
the Danes at Ethandune, and saves the English language.
Charlemagne crowned first holy Roman Emperor;
Norse settle Iceland, 860;
Vikings from Norway and Denmark overrun Britain with
their Old Norse language, 850.
crossbow in France;
earliest Hebrew manuscript of the Old Testament; |
Medieval society of Angkor, a Khmer kingdom that
covered much of today's Cambodia, Thailand, and southern Vietman,
established — immense palaces, temples, and waterworks, population of
hundreds of thousands, and Hindu temple of Angkor Wat, the largest
religious monument in the world. Abandoned about 1500. |
Human emigration from central South Pacific into
eastern — Cooks, Society Is., Marquesas, and Hawaii. |
Casa Grande in Arizona;
turkeys domesticated;
Scribes begin to put spaces between words and to use
capitalization and punctuation.
Viking age begins in Scandinavia.
first printed newspaper;
In Japan, Shintoism develops out of a combination of
nature and ancestor worships.
city of Teotihucan, Mexico, pop as much as 200,000; |
Beowulf, greatest Old English poem, probably
composed ca. 450–700;
First English school at Canterbury;
Glass windows;
Old English script and alphabet of 24 letters formed
from Roman alphabet.
Koran, 633;
Muhammad and Islam, 622: at present, second largest religion:
Christianity—2 bil
Islam—1.3 bil
Hinduism—900 mil
Buddhism—360 mil
book printing;
petroleum used as fuel;
sophisticated plastic and other surgery in India;
top of page |
Anasazi pottery, bow and arrow |
Augustine arrives in Kent in Britain with Church Latin
and Greek and script writing (characters composed of flowing lines
suitable for writing on parchment), 597.
King Arthur;
New Testament in Greek and Latin;
Rome falls;
Reindeer domesticated in Scandinavia.
decline of paganism |
Chess invented in India;
Japan appropiates written language of China (none prior);
maize in NA |
Attila the Hun died, 453;
Venice founded by refugees from Attila’s Huns, 452;
The English language begins as a Germanic dialect,
brought to Britain by warrier tribes (449) and by peaceful immigrant
farmers, the Saxons, Angles, Jutes, and others — included runic writing
(characters composed of straight lines, suitable for carving). The
native Celtic languages survived in the Gaelic of Wales, Cornwall, and
N. Scotland, and some Celtic words were absorbed into "Old English."
Romans depart England, 407;
Lowercase letters of the alphabet emerge as Roman
capitals rendered in just one or two pen strokes, 300 - 800, and
formalized in later Middle Ages when movable type was invented;
beginnings of alchemy |
Idea of zero first appears in Americas in Mayan
carving, 357; |
Christianity state religion in Roman empire.
Bowling is religious ritual in German monasteries;
Scrolls replaced by books;
Beginning of transformation of Latin into Romance (as in
"Rome") languages ~200 - 800 AD
Huns invade;
Horse collar in China |
Mayan script (800 pictures and syllable glyphs);
maize in NA;
Romans change from an 8-day to a 7-day week;
Diophantus and first book on algebra, 250;
First windmills in Persia and China; |
oldest Mayan monuments, 164; |
Galen (131-200), Greek physician;
Ptolemy (100-170) and geocentric universe;
Pompeii buried, 79;
Romans learned use of soap, 50;
London founded, 43;
All mammals on Madagascar weighing more than twenty
pounds, including pygmy hippos and giant lemusrs, extinct.
First historical reference to brassiere, in India, during the rule of
king Harshavardhana.
Abacus, bead calculating machine, used in China, 190;
Wheelbarrow in China, 118;
Wood-pulp paper in China;
Buddhism to China from India, 61;
top of page |
world pop:
130 million
eastern woodland tribes in NA |
Julius Caesar invades Britain, 54 BC; |
Jesus Christ born, 4 BC;
Caesar burns huge library at Alexandria, 48 BC;
humans first into Madagascar;
100 BC
SW Anasazi in NA;
oldest Mayan wall painting;
First bound book, Greece;
Screw olive oil press, Rome;
powdered chrysanthemum, insecticide, 100 BC;
Chinese dictionary of 10,000 characters, 149 BC;
200 BC
Mayan hieroglyphs, 250 BC; |
Greeks practice crop rotation, 250 BC;
Romans rule Italy, prelude to empire, 250 BC;
Euclid uses mathematical axioms and logical deduction
for geometric proofs;
Archimedes, 287-212 BC;
ghdadis first harnessed electricity using clay pots
lined with copper, 230 BC (Harper's Magazine,
Eratosthenes (b. ~276 BC in modern-day Libya) proves Earth is spherical
and calculates
circumference at 250,000 stades = 39,250 km (now measured at 40,100 km).
Qin Shihuang first emperor of China - commands
construction of 3,000 miles of wall across northern territory, 221 BC;
construction of "walls" continues sporadically over next 2,000 yrs;
Saddle and metal stirrup;
300 BC
Tobacco use documented in Vermont, 300 BC;
Mexican Sun Temple, world's third largest pyramid, built
at Teotihuacan, a capitol city of 200, 000 people, 300 BC;
oldest Mayan hieroglyphs, 350 BC;
Euclid, 325-270 BC;
Aristotle, 384-322 BC, first to argue that logical
reasoning could lead to an understanding of the universe;
Heraclides teaches heliocentric system, 350 BC;
400 BC
Leucippus and Democritus present the earliest known
version of atomic theory, that all matter is made up of tiny,
indestructible particles, 499-300 BC;
Plato, 427-347 BC, focuses on logic, reason, the value
of theory, and the nature of wisdom;
Hippocrates (460-370 BC), Greek phsician;
Socrates, 470-399 BC;
Iron Age in Scandinavia;
Catapult or slingshot, Greece;
Polished natural surfaces have been used as mirrors for
a long time, but the first artificial mirror was made by applying gold,
silver, or copper leaf to a sheet of glass in Lebanon.
500 BC
Mayan civilization in Mexico; |
Pythagoras, 560-480 BC;
The Roman arched stone bridge improves upon the Greek
pillar-and-beam design.
public libraries in Athens;
Greek writing settles on left-to-right format (earlier,
it ran either way);
one of last cereal crops to be domesticated, popular in northern Europe
and Russia where cold-hardiness made it useful, 500 BC.
Phoenicians circumnavigate Africa;
struggle in Middle East of monotheism over polytheism;
many books of Old Testament first written down in Hebrew;
Necho II of Egypt attempted unsuccessfully to dig a
navigable canal from the Nile to the Red Sea;
is first (that we know of) to formulate the Golden Rule. "Never do to
others what you would not like them to do to you." All faiths now
include this kind of compassion and empathy.
Confucius in China, 551-479 BC;
Buddha in India, 563-483 BC, good and compassionate life
leads to nirvana; again tolerance of multiple gods;
cataract surgery in India;
Aesop’s Fables;
tea brewed;
600 BC
Olmec culture in Central America, early written
language in New World, glyphs dated to 650 BC; |
Thales(624-546 BC), founder of Greek science;
Spartans become unusually militaristic, boys trained
from age 7 to fight to the death -- military leader in Greece;
Athens abolishes monarchy and focuses on commercial
Romans adopt Etruscan alphabet;
Navigational lighthouse; |
China enters iron age; |
700 BC
Etruscans (Italy) copy Greek alphabet;
False teeth carved of bone or ivory, or from human
cadavers, in gold bridgework - Etruscan;
Rome founded 753 BC;
first recorded Olympic Games, Greece, 776 BC;
Celts into England;
Prophets Isaiah, Amos, and Hosea argue that religion is
not only for the temple but for everyday life: love, justice,
compassion for all; |
Hinduism begins to develop in India, yoga, impersonal
divine power, trinity of Brahman, Shiva, and Vishnu, but tolerance of
multiple gods; |
800 BC
wood and reed huts in CA; |
Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, 800 BC;
Greek alphabet formed from Phoenician, 26 letters;
Assyrians learn to mount and ride horse; |
zero invented in India; |
900 BC
Olmec culture at peak, Mexico;
Cascajal stone block found near Veracruz with early
Olmec script - oldest New-World writing so far found;
Solomon reign over Israel, time of maximum territory
and prosperity, 962-922 BC;
ancient Hebrew script formed from Phoenician alphabet,
iron-working in Gabon, 961 BC;
top of page |
1,000 BC
world pop:
50 million
Mexican Sun Pyramid in Teotihuacan;
plains tribes in NA;
midwest and eastern mounds in NA;
sunflower in NA;
Turkey domesticated.
tobacco seeds from cave in New Mexico dated to 1040 BC;
Olmec culture, Mexico, cities, first technologically
complex society in the Americas, 1800 BC;
Trojan War, 1200 BC;
Iron Age, 1200 BC;
Bronze tools crafted in Arctic Scandinavia, 1300 BC.
Zeus, god;
Santorini erupts on Greek isle of Thera spreading ash
worldwide — frost-damaged trees in Ireland and California, 1625 BC;
distilled liquor in Greece;
Israelite Exodus from Egypt under Moses, 1200 YBC;
carbonized iron or steel, 1300 YBC;
Amenophis IV rules Egypt, first monotheist, renames
himself Akhenaton or "servant of Aton, sun-god", 1379-1362 YBC;
Glass vessels made by carving glass blocks, 1,450 YBC;
Fulcrum added to paddle to create oar in Phoenicia,
1,500 YBC;
First shoes shaped to fit each foot in Egypt, 1,500 YBC;
Hammurabi and first legal system, 1728 YBC;
Abraham and grandson Jacob settled West Bank, 1800 BC,
patriarchs of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam;
contraceptives used;
Egyptians tried to remove malignant tumor from the head
of a 30-35 year-old man -- cut marks near where a tumor had been,
2687-2345 YBP
Phoenicians copy Egyptian alphabet and make it their own;
four elements known: earth, air, fire, water;
Shang dynasty rules 5 million people, already most
populous kingdom;
first Chinese dictionary;
use of horse and chariot in battle;
earliest sign of whaling in Russia—kayaks, sealskin
floats, and harpoons;
Humans begin to arrive in Polynesia and Micronesia;
The long delay seems to have been caused by the melting
of the great ice sheets after the last glaciation and consequent high
sea levels. The eastern Pacific islands were still under water. Still
later, the removal of that weight of ice allowed the earth’s crust to
rebound and shift, and the islands rose above the sea. As soon as they
did, humans arrived to take advantage of the new living space.
Years Before Present (YBP)
world pop:
30 million
cotton cultivation in Peru;
beginnings of agriculture in eastern NA;
oldest New World astronomical observatory (and temple)
found in Andean foothills of Peru, 4,200 YBP;
major urban society in Peru, 2900-1800 BC, one of
world's few "cradles of civilization" eg. Mesopotamia, Egypt, China,
and India (Science, 307:34, 2005);
gold jewelry in Peru;
weaving loom;
rock carving of skiing in Norway;
agriculture spreads to Scandinavia;
Flushing toilet in Crete, 4,000 YBP;
Lock & key carved of wood in Egypt, 4,000 YBP;
Earliest known maps in Mesopotamia, 4,300 YBP;
Irrigation canals in Sumer, 4,400 YBP;
Parasol in Mesopotamia, 4,400 YBP;
First novel, The Tale
of Sinuhe. These earliest Egyptian prototypes bring us
"sustained narrative, dialogue, characterization, formal strategies,
rhetorical devices, even parody, pornography, metafiction, and magic
realism." And by 3700 YBP in Mesopotamia, we find the "first author for
whom we actually have a name: Ipiq-Aya." (Steven Moore, in The Novel, An Alternative History:
Beginnings to 1600, 2010)
first library;
first calendar;
first 365 day year;
Ink of lampblack and glue or gums, Egypt, 4,500 YBP;
first New Year's resolution;
Great Pyramid of Cheops at Giza built, 4,900 YBP;
Swimming pool, Egypt, 4,500 YBP;
glass beads, 4,500 YBP;
irrigation along Nile;
Sumerian flood discovered by Woolley, 300 miles by 100
miles, 25 feet deep; possible origin of worldwide flood myth;
Soap made from animal oils and ashes, 4,800 YBP;
first phonetic alphabet formed by Semitic peoples in
Egypt, just 27 symbols, one per sound rather than one per syllable or
per word as earlier; ancestor of all Western scripts today;
top of page |
Years Before Present (YBP)
world pop:
14 million
turkeys in NA;
second human migration from Asia, Eskimos;
Stonehenge built between 3,000 and 2,500 BC;
Oldest known skis crafted in northern Sweden, 5200 YBP.
Construction began on Hypogeum, an underground temple
believed to be the oldest known human-made structure in the world —
labyrinth of chambers and passageways carved in the limestone of Malta
with simple bone and stone tools, 3,600 BC.
sheep, goats, cattle, pigs introduced;
First pyramids built at Memphis of huge stone blocks,
5,000 YBP;
Asteroid entered atmosphere? and rained "brimstone and fire" onto Sodom
and Gomorrah, 3,123 BC. (It crashed into the Austrian Alps.)
wheel invented in Mesopotamia;
water buffalo;
candle of tallow or beeswax;
potter’s wheel;
Donkey in Egypt—earliest evidence of use of animals for
goods transport;
Horse domesticated.
Egyptian city-states unify into first "nation"
first writing and start of "historic" age: Sumerian
cuneiform in Middle East (over 400 signs each representing a syllable
or word), hieroglyphics in Egypt ( about 700 signs), and Indus River
script (but this one consists of relatively few signs and relatively
short "texts" and might not be writing; (Science 306:2026, 2004);
Sumerian number systems based on 12, 60, and 360;
After mid-Holocene humid period (~6,000 YBP), arid
conditions developed and Sahara Desert formed —largest warm-climate
desert on Earth— but desert conditions have come and gone there for at
least 7 million years (Science 311:821, 2006);
mung beans;
Chinese writing system eventually incorporates 60,000
6,000 YBP
world pop:
10 million
llamas and alpacas; |
Archbishop Ussher (in 1650) used Old Testament
chronology to date the Creation of the universe at 4004 BC.
Sumerians, first great civilized culture, cities of
Stone-paved streets in Iraq, 6,000 YBP;
Earliest stringed instruments, 6,500 YBP;
melons in Africa;
Proto-Indo-European spoken language -- later gave rise
to Indian and to Romance, Germanic, Slavic, Celtic and other European
Horse domesticated on Ukrainian steppes;
wheat and buckwheat;
lactose-tolerance gene appears (and ability to digest
milk as adult) between Urals and Volga R (Science, 306:1285,
2004); the gene is found in a variety of groups whose ancestors were
7,000 YBP
world pop:
5 million
Cassava domesticated in Brazil, 7,000 YBP.
chili peppers;
Initial colonization of Ireland.
Domestic goats introduced into southwestern Europe; |
Smelting and casting of copper and iron, 7,000 YPB;
wheat in Egypt;
First scale, an equal-arm balance used to weigh gold
dust, 7,000 YBP;
Sumerians in M.E.
sailing ships;
horse domesticated;
banana in New Guinea |
8,000 YBP
sea level rise separates Britain from continent |
Sorghum domesticated in NE Africa, 8,000 YBP.
Chickens domesticated.
Rafts used on rivers;
First evidence of weaving, 8,500 YBP, but sophisticated
— weaving may have begun up to 10,000 years ago.
Flax perhaps first crop grown other than for food
arboriculture in Thailand;
evidence of dental work in Pakistan, holes drilled in
molars with sharpened flint points;
Sugarcane cultivated in New Guinea, 8,000 YBP.
9,000 YBP
9,400 year-old Kennewick Man, one of oldest skeletons
in NA, discovered in 1996;
maize and squash first domesticated in Mexico;
potato in SA
Middle East agriculture spreads to Europe; |
City-states established along Euphrates and Nile rivers;
First city: Çatal Hüyük in Turkey;
Jericho, 10 acres and 2500 population;
Rice grown in paddies in China. First domestication and source of all
rice worldwide, 8-9,000 YBP.
agriculture in New Guinea |
top of page |
10,000 YBP
More than thirty species of South American
"megamammals," including elephant-size ground sloths and rhino-like
toxodons, went extinct. |
Jericho, first walled town;
Copper first worked to produce metal tools, 10,500 YBP;
Barley for ale;
Wheat first domesticated in Middle East;
You can recognize domesticated grain in that wild seed
heads shatter easily and leave smooth abscission scars, while domestic
cereals need to be threshed and leave jagged scars.
Cows domesticated.
Cats domesticated by this time in Cyprus (Science
304:189, 2004);
Sahara gradually changes from grassland to desert;
11,000 YBP
Most large mammals extinct: mammoths, camels,
mastodons, giant beavers, sabre-toothed tigers horse, etc. |
Last of ice age glaciers retreat worldwide; sea levels
rise, isolating Britain, Japan, Tasmania; |
Creation of Eden myth reflecting transition from
freedom of hunting/gathering to servatude of agriculture;
Sheep, goats, and pigs domesticated;
Figs domesticated, 11, 400 YBP — "oldest evidence for
deliberate planting of a food-producing plant" Science
312:1292, 2006;
Development of agriculture in Fertile Crescent between
Tigris and Euphrates rivers and independently along the banks of the
Evidence of algae in diet;
Development of agriculture in China;
12,000 YBP
Humans grew and stored wild grains for more than a
millennium before they began growing domesticated plants. The
surplusses were stored and enables people to settle and to develop
farming techniues and new crops. (Wilson Quarterly, 33-4:80,
2009) |
First pottery; |
13,000 YBP
Clovis culture throughout North & Central America,
stone points most efficient big-game killers of Stone Age; |
14,000 YBP
Nenana culture in Alaska;
stone tools in Allendale, S.C.;
Fossilized feces found in a cave in Oregon, 14,340 YBP (Science
online, 4-4-08).
human colonization of the Americas across the Bering
Land Bridge;
Dog first domesticated from ancient wolves,
12,000-135,000 years ago (Science, 298:1540, 2002); earliest
known dog burial, 14,000 years ago in Germany;
hunting and gathering;
15,000 YBP
possible pre-Clovis site in Chile |
16,000 YBP
Famous cave paintings at Altair, Spain, 16,000 ybp; |
Sophisticated rock art in Australia, called the
paintings after their discoverer in 1891; |
17,000 YBP
18,000 YBP
controversial human site at Cactus Hill, VA, 18,000 YBP; |
big game hunting in South Africa |
Homo floresiensis, small (3 ft.) decendent of H.
erectus (as is Homo sapiens) still present in Indonesia
until about 18,000 years ago;
How remarkable, for we know that full-sized Homo
sapiens reached Australia and New Guinea long before, that most
large mammals then went extinct, and that humans exterminated competing
humans even more vigorously than they have non-human mammals. How did
the floresiensis survive the coming of sapiens? (see Science
306:789 & 2047, 2004; 307:1386, 2005; 308:242, 2005)
(Further study suggests that Homo floresiensis
was really a pygmy Homo sapiens with a growth disorder - Science
News 170:330, 2006)
19,000 YBP
top of page |
20,000 YBP
maximum glacial advance, 20,000 - 25,000 YBP;
human footprints found in White Sands NM, dated 21,000 YBP
grinding stone in Isreal used to mill barley and wheat:
first evidence of processed food, 22,000 YBP (Science, 305:940,
2004); |
30,000 YBP
Paleolithic human settlement on Yana R. in Siberia,
near Alaska, 30,000 YBP; |
Neanderthals disappeared, 30,000 YBP;
Oldest known sculpture, Venus Of Willendorf, 11 cm,
limestone, 30,000 YBP;
The Cave of Chauvet, with paintings 31,000 years old.
The oldest musical instrument, flutes fashioned from
bird bones, found in Germany, 32,000 YBP (but first instruments
probably more perishable and much older) (Science 306:1120, 2004)
Flax fibers used to weave cloth and dyed black, gray,
turquoise, and pink, in Georgia, Caucasus Mts., 36,000 YBP (Science
325:1329, 2009).
bow and arrow;
fishing with hook, 38,000 YBP;
40,000 YBP
cave paintings |
Bead decoration in Africa, 42,0000 YBP; first hints of
culture, perhaps of language that dealt with more than the immediate
present; |
Oldest remains of a tented village found in Moldova in
Russia, 40,000 YBP; |
Humans into New Guinea, 45,000;
Every species of marsupial in Australia weighing more
than two hundred pounds (19 species) went extinct, 46,000 YBP;
50,000 YBP
Genetic evidence of major back-migration from Asia into
Africa; |
Humans arrive in Australia, 56,000 YBP; |
60,000 YBP
The successful expansion of Homo sapiens out of
Africa beginning about 60,000 years ago. |
Humans arrive in China, 60,000 YBP; |
70,000 YBP
Evidence of animal skins used as clothing. |
Human population as low as 15,000 caused by six-year
volcanic winter followed by a thousand-year ice age, resulting in
surprising genetic uniformity among humans today.
Lamp burning animal fat, 70,000 YBP;
Snail-shell bead jewelry, found in east Africa, 75,000
YBP (Science, 304:404, 2004)
80,000 YBP
90,000 YBP
Homo sapiens skulls found in Israel, 90,000 YBP; |
top of page |
100,000 YBP
Oldest known jewelry, snail-shell beads in Isreal,
115,000 YBP (Science News, 170#2:30, 7/8/06);
Homo sapiens in eastern Africa, 160,000 YBP;
There are approximately one hundred billion neurons in
the human brain, about the same number as stars in the Milky Way, and
about five hundred trillion synapses or connections. The number of
possible circuits, then, is ten followed by a million zeros (the number
of particles in the known universe is only ten followed by seventy-nine
zeros) (Harper's Magazine, p84, June 2008).
Third expansion of Homo from Africa into Asia
between 150,000 and 80,000 YBP |
200,000 YBP
Homo erectus extinct, 250,000 YBP |
300,000 YBP
world pop:
1 million |
Neanderthal Man split from modern humans, first humans
to bury their dead, 350,000 YBP;
first to discover gods?
grammatical language; |
hackberry seeds roasted and eaten; |
400,000 YBP
500,000 YBP
Homo disappears from Britain during ice ages. No
further continuous presence until 12,000 YBP.
Homo, Boxgrove Man, in England, 500,000 YBP
Homo sapiens emerging from Homo erectus,
500, 000 YBP |
Remains of artificial shelter found at Chichibu, Japan,
dated 500,000 YBP; |
600,000 YBP
first of series of ice ages; Homo makes
shelters of rock and hides, uses caves, 600,000 YBP |
700,000 YBP
Homo in England, tools, 700,000 YBP |
Second expansion of Homo from Africa into Asia
between 840,000 and 420,000 YBP |
800,000 YBP
900,000 YBP
top of page |
1,000,000 YBP
world pop:
100,000 |
Homo erectus in Europe, 1.2 million YBP. |
Australopithicus extinct, 1 million YBP;
Fire used, 1.5 million YBP; no other genus than Homo
has been able to use fire.
Homo erectus in M.E., better stone tools,
big-game hunting, 1.7 million YBP
Stone tools in China dated at 1.36 million YBP;
Homo erectus in China and Java;
graphic from Science,
308:1554, 2005)
2,000,000 YBP
Homo develops long-distance or endurance running
ability, possibly allowing more effective scavenging. A modern human
can "actually outrun a pony easily." Early humans, apes, and other
mammals cannot endurance run. 2 million YBP (Science, 306:1283,
Homo in Africa, increased brain size, stone
tools, 2.5 million YBP;
Mammal Brain Sizes
3,000,000 YBP
Australopithicus afarensis—
The fossil Lucy and 13 others, the "First Family," 3.2
million YBP
Footprints found by Mary Leakey at Laetoli, clearly
upright stride, 3.6 million YBP
4,000,000 YBP
The mastodon roamed NA from about 4 million to 10,000
YBP; |
Australopithicus anamensis—
80 fossils found near Lake Turkana, well forested at the
time, erect posture but grasping big toe like chimp, 4.1 million YBP;
Ardipithecus ramidus—
erect posture but thick tooth enamel like chimp, 4.4 million YBP
5,000,000 YBP
humans, S-shaped spinal column and fully upright
posture, 5 million YBP |
Some advantages of an erect posture—
- carry food home
- look over the tall savannah grasses
- wade in deeper water
- less exposure to the sun (skin pigmentation and
hair on head additional protection)
- more heat dissipation
6,000,000 YBP
Our great-great-(250,000 greats)- grandparents gave
rise to both humans and chimpanzees, 6 million YBP.
- hairy
- small brain
- knuckle walker
- climbed trees— savannah, not forest
- squat feeder
- tool user and maker
- use of nut-cracking or bashing stone tools (persisted
in apes & humans)
- fruit-eater, occasional hunter
- local cultures, eg. tool and grooming habits
Tool use is not so unusual. Birds use thorns to pry insects out of
bark, spiders use their webs, leaf-cutter ants (and some termites) have
a form of compost agriculture. But tool manufacture and tool transport
for future use is rare in the animal kingdom—only humans and apes? And
it seems that only humans have been able to make cutting tools.
7,000,000 YBP
Sahelanthropus tchadensis, oldest known
hominid?, walked upright, found in Chad in 2001, and dated to 7 million
YBP (Science, 308:179, 2005);
common ancestor of humans and gorillas, 7 million YBP;
Eon, Era,
and Period
Cenozoic Era
Neogene (late Tertiary/ Quaternary) Period
(23 MYA - present) |
relatively complete fossil of a
tree-dwelling great ape found in Spain, showing a muzzleless face and
upright posture, 13 million YBP (Science, 306:1339, 2004)
common ancestor of human and orangutan, 14 million YBP —
Lufengpithecus, Oreopithecus, Sivapithecus
(Ramapithecus), Dryopithecus, Ouranopithecus, Kenyapithecus in
Africa or Asia?
global cooling and current Antarctic ice sheet begins to
form, 14 million YBP (Science, 305:1766, 2004)
Australia and New Guinea drift close enough to Asia to
allow the arrival of its first placental mammals (bats and rodents), 15
million YBP. (Dingos, a true dog, arived much later, probably in
aboriginal human canoes.)
great apes (e.g. gorilla) appear, 17 million YBP
Our one-million-greats grandparents were small,
tree-dwelling apes, and they gave rise to the gibbons, other apes, and
humans, 18 million YBP
first grasses appear, ancestors of our cereal grains, 20
million YBP
Grand Canyon excavated by Colorado rivers between 17 and
6 million years ago, and maybe up to 55 million YBP (based on cooling
history of rocks, study out of U. of Colorado)
Cenozoic Era
Palaeogene (early Tertiary) Period
(65 - 23 MYA) |
Old-World Monkeys and hominoids (apes
(pongids) and humans (hominids)) diverge, 25 - 30 million YBP
primates develop large brains, enhanced vision, finger
and toe nails, and grasping hands and feet (Science, 298:1606,
diversification of bats, the only mammals capable of
powered flight and use of echolocation to track prey: 18 extant and 6
extinct families known, and with 1,100 species known, the second
largest order in the class Mammalia (rodents are first) (Science,
307:527, 2005); for current world-wide estimates of numbers of animal species see WAF in references below);
Antarctica separates from South America, connecting
Atlantic and Pacific and allowing polar currents that blocked warm
tropical currents. Temperatures plunged, and forest gave way to ice
cap, 40 million YBP
New-World Monkeys and other monkeys & hominoids
diverge (our 3-million-greats grandparent) in Africa and later raft the
short distance (at that time) to South America, 40 million YBP
dominance of land by mammals, birds, and insects,
50 million YBP; Age of Mammals
Ice core measurements show high carbon dioxide levels
(1000 ppm or more; level is 380 ppm today), average temperature 10º
higher, and sea levels about 50 meters higher than today, 50 million YBP
Cetaceans (whales) evolve from even-toed, ungulate land
ancestor (currently most closely related to hippos), 54 million YBP.
Many fossils about this age have been found of hippo-like terrestrial
animals and, at the same time, long, streamlined-bodied, whale-like
aquatic animals with legs and feet. The earliest of these spent part of
their time on land. Later species were more and more aquatic and the
legs increasingly vestigial.
During continental drift, India colides with Eurasia and
lifts Tibetan Plateau to 5,000 meters, 50 million YBP; Mt. Everest
reaches to 8,850 meters (29,035 feet).
Australia drifts far enough from Antarctica to isolate
its marsupials from the world's placentals and allow great divergence,
55 million YBP.
During plate tectonics, Australia separated from
Antarctica, 56 million YBP.
Tarsiers and other monkeys & hominoids diverge,
maybe in North America, 58 million YBP
First bats appear, a tree-dwelling mammal with flight
and echolocation, 60 million YBP
Lemurs and the rest of the primates diverge (our
7-million-greats grandparent), 63 million YBP
Building of present Rocky Mountains, NA still attached
to Eurasia, SA split from Africa, Australia split from Antarctica, 65
million YBP
The small "shrew-like" mammals diversify into myriad
modern forms, and once the dinosaurs disappeared, it happened fast,
over about 5 million years.
Cretaceous Period
(145 - 65 MYA) |
asteroid or comet impact near Yucatan
Peninsula and major extinction — ~10% taxonomic families disappear,
including dinosaurs, 65 million YBP
first primates — "tree-shrew-like" — 70 million YBP
During plate tectonics, New Zealand separated from
Antarctica, 70 million YBP.
common ancestor of rodents, rabbits, and primates, 75
million YBP
The order Rodentia (rat, mouse, beaver, squirrel,
gopher, porcupine, guinea pig …) has been strikingly successful. Over
40% (about 2000) of all mammal species are rodents, making them the
largest mammalian order. It is even estimated that there are more
individual rodents than all other mammals combined.
India separates from Madagascar and moves rapidly north,
75 million YBP
Flowering plants arise, 100 million YBP
The common ancestor of "Afrotheria"— elephants,
manatees, aardvarks, extinct mastodons and mammoths … —and all the
other placental mammals, shrew-like (our
~45-million-greats-grandparent) lived in Africa, 105 million YBP.
first snakes
As Gondwana broke up, the Atlantic Ocean first formed as
a long, narrow strip. The last connection between the Old and New
Worlds was a bridge between what is now West Africa and Brazil, 120
million YBP (bridge broken by 90 million YBP).
The common ancestor of the marsupials (ca. 270 extant
species) and the placental mammals (ca. 4,500 extant species) (our
80-million-greats-grandparent) lived on the southern supercontinent of
Gondwana (South America, Antarctica, Australia, Africa, and India) as
it just begins to break apart, 140 million YBP.
For current world-wide estimates of numbers of animal species see WAF in references below);
Jurassic Period
(200 - 145 MYA) |
First Archaeopteryx fossil
discovered in 1861: carnivorous dinosaur skeleton but feathers and
brain of bird, 147 million YBP (Science, 305:764, 2004)
North America began to separate from rest of Laurasia —
Atlantic Ocean began to form (S America still attached to Africa);
India, still attached to Madagascar, began to separate from Africa; 150
million YBP
The length of a day was only 22 hours (Earth's rotation
has been slowing down due to Moon's gravitational tug and sloshing of
first ants, evolved from wasps, 150 million YBP
dinosaurs abundant; first birds; building of Sierra
Mountains of California, 175 million YBP
The monotremes, marsupials, and placental mammals
diverge, 180 million YBP. This early mammal was something like a modern
One theory has it that the early mammals diverged into
just two groups, the australosphenidans in Gondwana and the
boreosphenidans in Laurasia, and that the sole survivors among the
australosphenidans are the duckbilled platypus and two genera of
echidna—the monotremes, confined to Australia, New Guinea, and
Tasmania. All other mammals, including the marsupials have descended
from the boreosphenidans.
The monotremes have a cloaca, like reptiles and birds
(monotreme means single hole in Greek), and they lay eggs with a
leathery shell, like reptiles. Of course, they have more mammalian
characters: hair, milk, the three bones of the middle ear (in reptiles,
these bones are part of the lower jaw.)
first lizards
Mesozoic Era
Triassic Period
(251 - 200 MYA) |
major extinction — ~10% taxonomic families
drift separates Pangaea into two parts, Laurasia & Gondwana —
climate very warm — 200 million YBP
Earth's continents connected in one supercontinent
called Pangaea, 225 million YBP
Age of Reptiles
Permian Period
(299 -251 MYA) |
millennia-long volcanic eruptions and/or
monster meteorite or comet and greatest of all mass-extinctions — 95%
of all species extinct — 250 million YBP
coniferous forests
building of ancestral Appalachian Mountains
Pennsylvanian Period
(320 - 299 MYA) |
major extinction — ~50% taxonomic families
Building of ancestral Rocky Mts., 300 million YBP. These
were eroded completely and the area was repeatedly below sea level over
the next 200 million years.
The mammals
and the sauropsids (reptiles and birds) diverge, 310 million YBP. This
lizard-like animal would have been our 170-million-greats-grandparent.
Most closely related to the mammals are the turtles and tortoises. More
distant are the lizards and snakes, and a second natural group
containing the dinosaurs, crocodiles, and birds.
first reptiles
coal swamps
Mississippian Period
(359 - 320 MYA) |
Age of Amphibians, 310 million YBP;
The amniotes (mammals, reptiles, and birds) diverge from
the amphibians about 340 million YBP. This walking-fish or
salamander-like ancestor gave rise to all present-day tetrapods,
including all land vertebrates. The group of fish that began to develop
legs were the lobe-finned fish (today represented by the lungfish and
the coelacanths, and the earliest legs seem not to have been used for
support on land but to aid in locomotion on shallow pond bottoms.
Fern forests
Land snails
Devonian Period
(416 - 359 MYA) |
major extinction — ~20% taxonomic families
first amphibians — 365 million YBP
fossil Tiktaalik found, four-foot fish with a flexible
neck and wrist and finger bones in its fins — 385 million YBP
Age of Fishes, cartilaginous and bony
Silurian Period
(444 - 416 MYA) |
The common ancestor of the lobe-finned
fish and tetrapods, on the one hand, and the lungfish, on the other,
lived about 417 million YBP. This was our
The common ancestor of the lobe-finned fish and
tetrapods and the coelacanths lived about 425 million YPB.
Plants colonizing the land surface.
First insects — If number of described species (~ one
million) or number of known families (over 1200) is a measure of
success, then this is the most successful group of all time. (Of the
~1.7 million species ever described, 9,000 are birds and 5,000 are
The common ancestor of the tetrapods and the ray-finned
fish lived about 440 million YBP. Eventually, among the vertebrates,
the one group would dominate land and the other water. There are some
23,500 species of ray-finned fish today. One of the important
anatomical characters of these fish was the lung. Most modern fish have
taken this structure and turned it into a swim bladder, a flotation
device. Of course, the land vertebrates have greatly improved the sac
as a breathing device.
For current world-wide estimates of numbers of animal species see WAF in references below);
Ordovician Period
(488 - 444 MYA) |
major extinction -- ~20% taxonomic
families disappear
The common ancestor of the bony vertebrates and the
sharks, rays, and other cartilaginous fish (chondrichthyans) lived
about 460 million YBP. We shouldn't think of the cartilaginous skeleton
as primative, as some "bony" fish have highly cartilaginous skeletons,
as did the probable ancestors of the sharks. Without a lung or swim
bladder, sharks must swim and use their fins to rise in the water
column, or they rely on an oily liver for floatation. This ancestor
(our our 200-million-greats-grandparent) was the first to have a hinged
lower jaw, formed from some of the bones that earlier simply supported
the gills and gill slits.
earliest vascular plant fossils, 460 million YBP
crustaceans and molluscs abundant
Phanerozoic Eon
Paleozoic Era
Cambrian Period
(542 - 488 MYA) |
Our day averaged 22 hours long instead of
24. Tidal forces from the moon have slowed Earth's rotation this much.
first land animals (arthropods), plants, and fungi, 500 million YBP
The common ancestor of the jawed vertebrates and the
jawless, limbless fish lived about 530 million YBP. This ancestor was
the first vertebrate, a 3 cm. fish (Science, 305:1893, 2004) and
was approximately our our 240-million-greats-grandparent. The
vertebrate skeleton of bone and cartilage gave muscles something firm
to attach to and gave much more precise control over body movement.
first Chordates
beginning of Cambrian animal diversification, 542
million YBP;
Ediacaran Period
(600 - 542 MYA) |
The common ancestor of the vertebrates and the few other
members of the phylum Chordata, the amphioxus, lived about 560 million
YBP (Every modern animal phylum is now in existence.) This animal had
the four defining characteristics of our phylum:
- the notochord, the beginnings of an
internal skeleton,
- a dorsal, hollow nerve cord,
- gill slits, used primarily for
filter-feeding (gills for breathing came later), and
- a post-anal tail.
The common ancestor of the chordates and the
Echinodermata (e.g., starfish) lived about 570 million YBP. The
ancestor was probably worm-like. Today, this group is characterized by
a biradial, rather than bilateral, body shape, a radial nervous system,
no head or tail, and hydraulic tube feet for locomotion, using pumped
sea water. As physically strange as the echinoderms are, they are
genetically close to us. Fewer than 4% of all animal species are closer
relatives to us than starfish are.
Earliest complex macroscopic organisms—no skeletal hard
parts (Ediacaran fossil embryos, burrows, and trails: cnidaria &
bilateria?), 575 million YBP
The common ancestor of our subkingdom, the
Deuterostomia, and most of the rest of the Animal Kingdom, the
Protostomia, lived about 590 million YBP. This point represents a deep
division in our family tree. At the present, there are about 60,000
described deuterostome species and over a million described protostomes
(e.g., insects, molluscs, worms). One difference lies in how the very
early embryo forms. When an egg is fertilized by a sperm, that zygote
first divides to form a solid ball of cells, those cells move to form a
hollow interior and a wall one cell thick, one side of this ball
indents to form a cup and then a hollow ball with a wall two cells
thick and an opening to the outside, and in subsequent development,
that opening becomes either the anus of the digestive tract
(deuterostome means mouth second) or the mouth (protostome means mouth
first). The main nerve cord in a protostome is ventral to the digestive
tract, and the heart is dorsal.
Fossil lichen (fungi/algae symbiosis), 600 million YBP (Science,
308:1017, 2005)
For current world-wide estimates of numbers of animal species see WAF in references below);
Proterozoic Eon
Neoproterozoic Era
(1000 to 600 MYA) |
The common ancestor of the coelomate
animals (those with a coelom or body cavity) and the acoelomate
flatworms lived about 630 million YBP. A body cavity differs from a
digestive cavity in that it is totally enclosed. A digestive cavity
opens to the environment by way of the mouth (and usually the anus). A
body cavity is a hollow interior that provides room in which active
organs, such as hearts and lungs, may move and work. This ancestor had
no body cavity. Its internal organs were embedded in solid tissue
called parenchyma. This ancestor also lacked an anus. Food came into
its digestive cavity through a mouth, and undigestible waste was
ejected through the same opening. This structure and life style is
primitive, but this was the first bilaterally symmetrical animal. It
was also the first Triploblast—it formed its body from three embryonic
tissue layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Over 300 species of
modern acoelomate flatworms have been described.
Lots of glaciation from pole to pole, 635 million YBP (Science,
308:787, 2005)
The comon ancestor of the Bilateria and the Cnidarians
(radially symmetrical animals) lived maybe 680 million YBP. The
Cnidarians do not have bilateral symmetry. Instead of an elongated body
shape, they have a round or circular organization. There is no head or
tail, left or right. They have no long-distance sense organs, no
concentrations of nerve tissue into a brain, ganglia, or nerves. Their
nervous system is a diffuse network. There is no body cavity. Their
digestive cavity is usually a simple sac with one opening to the
outside, a mouth/anus. Their body structure arises from only two
embryonic tissue layers: ectoderm and endoderm; there is no mesoderm.
They do have a cnidocyte, a cell type that incorporates a hair-trigger
poison harpoon for prey capture and defense. No other animal group has
this unique feature. There are about 9,000 described species of modern
cnidarians (jellyfish, corals, sea anemones) and somewhat more
distantly related comb jellies.
first tracheophytes (vascular plants), 700 million YBP
The common ancestor of the Eumetazoa (animals with
specialized tissues, such as nerve and muscle) and the sponges lived
maybe 800 million YBP. This ancestor was multicellular, and it did have
cells of different types, but these cells didn't organize themselves
into specialized tissues. There is no nerve or muscle tissue and no
general body movement. The sponges do have a choanocyte, a cell type
that has a waving flagellum surrounded by a deep collar. These cells
create a current of water that passes through pores in the body wall
and from which food particles are filtered out. There are about 10,000
described species of modern sponges.
fossil fungi dated at 850 million YBP
The common ancestor of the Metazoa (multicellular
animals) and the Choanoflagellates lived maybe 1 billion YBP. This
ancestor was colonial or unicellular. Each cell was very like the
chanocyte of the sponges, with a flagellum and a filtering collar.
There are about 120 described species of modern choanoflagellates.
For current world-wide estimates of numbers of animal species see WAF in references below);
Proterozoic Eon
Mesoproterozoic Era
(1.6 to 1.0 BYA) |
The common ancestor of the animals and the
fungi lived maybe 1.1 billion YBP. The fungi are multicellular and
heterotrophic, like animals, but their anatomy is exotic. The cells of
most fungi are arranged into linear strands, called hyphae, which are
connected into ever-branching networks, called mycelia. A mycelium
grows and penetrates through a food source—a fallen log, a live plant
or animal, or the soil itself. Food is digested outside the fungal
cells, and nutrients are then absorbed. Mushrooms, toadstools, and
brackets are reproductive structures produced by a mycelium to release
spores to the wind. The yeasts are single-celled. Lichens are symbiotic
relationships between a fungus and an alga. There are about 69,000
species described of an estimated 1.5 million modern species in
origin of multicellular life, 1.2 billion YBP?
The common ancestor of the multicellular heterotrophs
and the amoebozoans lived maybe 1.2 billion YBP. There are about 5,000
described species of modern amoebas and slime molds.
The common ancestor of the eukaryotic heterotrophs and
the plants lived maybe 1.3 billion YBP. Modern descendents include the
red algae, green algae, mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants,
about 35,000 described species in all.
The common ancestor of the animals, fungi, and plants
and the brown algae (seaweed) and some other algae lived maybe 1.5
billion YBP.
For current world-wide estimates of numbers of animal species see WAF in references below);
Proterozoic Eon
Palaeoproterozoic Era
(2.5 to 1.6 BYA)
characterized by ocean formation
The common ancestor of the eukaryotes and
the Archaea, or Archaebacteria, lived maybe 2 billion YBP. About the
same time, we see the origin of the eukaryotic cell, symbiotic
heterotrophic Eubacteria becoming mitochondria and autotrophic
Eubacteria (cyanobacteria) becoming chloroplasts.
oxygen levels reach 1 ppm, 2.4 billion YBP
Archean Eon
Palaeoarchaean Era
(2.8 to 2.5 BYA) |
The cyanobacteria invent photosynthesis
and begin introducing oxygen into the atmosphere by means of the
oxidation of water, 2.7 billion YBP. |
Archean Eon
Palaeoarchaean Era
(3.2 to 2.8 BYA) |
Archean Eon
Palaeoarchaean Era
(3.6 to 3.2 BYA) |
oldest fossils, 3.5 billion YBP (Science
Archean Eon
Eoarchaean or Hadean Era
(4.6 to 3.6 BYA)
characterized by volcanic activity
oldest evidence of life, 3.8 billion YBP
Outer planets disturb asteroid belt and cause bodies to
crater Moon and inner planets, 3.9 billion YBP
origin of life, kingdom Eubacteria, 4 billion YBP?
Mars-sized object hits Earth and forms Moon.
Earth formed, 4.6 billion YBP
A cloud of gas and dust 15 billion miles
in diameter began to condense. Most of it (99.9%) became our Sun. The
rest coalesced by electorstatic forces into the planets.
Stars begin to form about 400 million years after Big
Bang. Elements larger than hydrogen, helium, and lithium appear.
"The term 'Big Bang' implies some sort of explosion,
which is not a wholly inappropriate analogy, except that the Big Bang
was not an explosion in
space, but an explosion of
space. Similarly, the Big Bang was not an explosion in time, but an explosion of time. Both space and time were
created at the moment of the Big Bang." (Singh, 2004)
Big Bang, ~13.7 billion YBP, dated from microwave
background radiation study, 2003 (a light poem). During this "bang"
the matter of
the universe expanded from the size of a marble to billions of
light-years across in 10-35 seconds. The theory was first
advanced in 1927 by Belgian astronomer, Georges Edward Lemaitre (1894 -
1966) and named "big bang" in 1948 by Russian-American physicist,
George Gamow (1904 - 1968). It is estimated that there are about 400
billion stars in the Milky Way and 140 billion galaxies in the
still-expanding universe. (If all the stars in the universe were the
size of the head of a pin, they still would fill Miami's Orange Bowl to
overflowing more than 3 billion times. — Bill Bryson, quoted by George
F. Will) The universe is 23% dark matter, 73% dark energy, and only 4%
ordinary matter (Singh, 2004).